With a commitment to always provide products with exceptional quality, all of our ingredients are manufactured under strict GMP and ISO-9001:2000 quality certifications. AAN is also a supplier of Kosher-certified high purity botanical extracts. Our manufacturer has earned NSF certification in September 2012, and we are current members of the UNPA.   All of our products are under quality management beginning from plant seeds selection, cultivation, harvest, and manufacturer.

Our Regulatory team will maintain compliance-oriented FDA, FD&CA regulations for manufacturing, importing, and quality control.

Our R&D team will develop new formulations based on health benefits and consumer-interest on current products.

Our QC team will follow a strict Supplier Qualification Program to locate the best collaborating herbal material manufacturers with GMP compliance.

We have over 200 ready stock ingredients in our Utah warehouse. The domestic warehouse can ensure that your delivery needs can be met at any time, and it can also ensure that the quality of the samples you get matches the final product you receive.

Ingredients Sourcing

If you are looking for some ingredients not on the list, please feel free to let us know. With our worldwide relationships and strong sourcing capacity, we can help you find even the hard to find ingredients.

Supplier Auditing

AAN Technical Services Team are equipped with knowledge including, but not limited to, scientific information of herbs and herbal active ingredients and specification-guided analytical testing. We can provide technical documents including:  Specification Sheet, Certificate of Analysis, MSDS, Allergen Statement, Non-Irradiation/ETO statement, Non-GMO Statement, Nutritional Information, Further Third-party Testing Report, Kosher Certificate, Halal Certificate, Organic Certificate.

Formulation and Finished Product Production

We conduct contract manufacturing, such as custom extraction, formulation, blending, granulation, etc. We can also help partners from all over the world find manufacturing plants with GMP certificate qualifications in the United States for finished product processing, related details negotiation, sales and import and export services

Credit Support

We provide credit support to help our customer company’s cash flow. You may be able to place your product order without a large cash outlay.

For credit approval, simply fill up AAN credit application and fax to our office with a cover letter stating the credit (USD $10,000 minimum) and terms of payment desired. Typical credit approval for established international customers 1 to 3 days.  Typical credit approval for established domestic customers is less than 24 hour.